

While the COVID-19 outbreak has cast a lot of uncertainty across the market, 冠状病毒援助, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed March 27, 2020, 是否会提供大约2万亿美元的财政刺激来帮助提振经济.

下面, 你可以在这里找到与《皇冠体育》相关的常见问题的答案,这些问题可能对你产生影响. 第一部分涉及rmd的放弃, 第二部分介绍与冠状病毒相关的分布情况,第三部分介绍额外的税务信息.

Please note: None of the CARES Act changes apply to non-qualified accounts (i.e. annuities that are not held in an individual retirement account (IRA)). 

美国国税局(IRS)在通知2020-50和通知2020-51中发布了关于《皇冠体育》的额外指导. 以下信息已更新,以反映两份通知中提供的额外指导.



rmd是美国国税局(IRS)要求个人每年从其IRA账户中分配的最低金额, 一旦他们到了特定的年龄. 如果你出生在6月30日, 1949, 或更早, you were required to begin taking RMDs when you reached age 70 ½. 如果您出生于1949年7月1日或之后,您必须在72岁时开始服用rmd.



  • 2020年限制型心肌病
  • 2019年RMDs,如果是在1月至12月期间拍摄的. 2020年4月1日和4月1日. 1, 2020. 注:如果2019年RMD是在1月至12月期间拍摄的. 1日和12月. 31, 2019, that RMD is not eligible to be returned as an indirect rollover
  • 2020年继承RMDs (1).e. 拉伸支付)
What are my options if I’ve already taken my RMD in 2020 and I want to return it?


  • 如果在1月. 1日和7月2日,8月前可以退回. 31才算间接展期.
  • 如果RMD是在7月3日或之后拍摄的, it can be returned within 60 days of distribution as an indirect rollover. 
  • 如果RMD是从继承的IRA中取出的, please see the following FAQ for available options to return your inherited RMD (i.e. 拉伸付款).

If you are taking your RMD in installments throughout the year (quarterly, monthly, etc.), you can return multiple distributions as one indirect rollover. If you wish to defer future 2020 payments, please contact our office at (888) 221-1234.


If I own an inherited IRA and I’m required to take an inherited RMD (i.e. 延期付款),是2020年的豁免吗?

是的,你继承的RMD在2020年被豁免. 根据您的RMD领取时间,您可以将这笔钱作为间接展期返还.


  • 如果在1月. 1日和7月2日,8月前可以退回. 31作为间接展期.
  • 如果RMD是在7月3日或之后拍摄的, it can be returned within 60 days of distribution as an indirect rollover.


  • rmd可以退回到8月. 2020年3月31日作为间接展期.
  • rmd不能被退回. 2020年或更晚.

If you are taking your RMD in installments throughout the year (quarterly, monthly, etc.), you can return multiple distributions as one indirect rollover. If you wish to defer future 2020 payments, please contact our office at (888) 221-1234.


If I elected to defer payment of a death benefit for either 5 or 10 years, 《皇冠体育》对我有什么影响?

对于2020年或更早发行的递延账户,5年的递延期限现已延长至6年. This will not apply to deferred accounts issued 2021 and later.

你不需要采取任何行动将5年的延期延长到6年. 美国股票公司将自动为您延长这一期限.

The 10-year deferral newly available to beneficiaries in 2020 is unchanged.


美国国税局 does not allow us to reverse the tax withheld on returned RMDs. 一般来说,国税局会给你两种选择:

1. 将收到的金额作为间接滚转返回

2. 将您收到的金额作为间接转期退还,并从口袋中贡献差额(预扣税)

下面 is a hypothetical example to illustrate these options:

You took a $5,000 RMD, withheld $500 in taxes and received $4,500 in your pocket.

Option 1: You can return the $4,你收到了500美元 as an indirect rollover. 净剩余金额, $500, 会作为应税收入申报吗, and $500 will also be reported as tax withheld on your 2020 personal income tax return.

选项二:你可以退回5美元,作为间接展期,总额为5,000美元, 包括那4美元吗,你收到了500美元, 还有500美元自掏腰包. 任何金额都不会申报为应税金额, and $500 will be reported as tax withheld on your 2020 personal income tax return.

In most cases, either of the above options are available. 然而, 每个人的纳税情况都是独一无二的, 皇冠体育鼓励您与您的税务专家会面,了解您的个人所得税申报表将如何受到影响.


一般来说,你方作为受益人的期限截止到12月12日. 业主去世后第二年的31日选择继承的延长选项(i.e. if the owner passed in 2019, you normally had until Dec. 2020年11月31日举行大选).

作为受益人,您从2019年去世的所有者那里继承了IRA资金, 你可以在12月10日前进行选举. 31, 2021. 注意:此例外是特定的, and only applies if the owner passed away in 2019 and only applies to IRA funds.


What 2020 tax forms can I expect to receive if I return my RMD as an indirect rollover?

如果您将RMD作为间接展期返还,您可能会收到两份2020年的纳税表格(在2021年邮寄给您)。. You will receive a 2020 1099 - r形式 reporting the RMD taken. 此外,您将收到2020年5498表,报告作为间接滚转返回的金额.


You took a $5,000 RMD, withheld $500 in taxes and received $4,500 in your pocket.

Option 1: You choose to return the $4,你收到了500美元 as an indirect rollover. 您的2020年1099-R表将报告总额为5美元,已分配的000美元和预扣税500美元(当您退还资金时,此表格不会更改). 你的2020年5498表将报告4500美元作为展期.

选项2:您选择退还5美元,作为间接展期,总额为5,000美元, 包括那4美元吗,你收到了500美元, 还有500美元自掏腰包. 您的2020年1099-R表将报告总额为5美元,已分配的000美元和预扣税500美元(当您退还资金时,此表格不会更改). 您的2020年5498表将报告5,000美元作为展期.


What other impacts does returning my RMD as indirect rollover have for me?

美国国税局 generally limits indirect rollovers to one rollover in any 365-day period, and the return of a RMD was considered in this limit (i.e. 如果您选择退还您的RMD, 最初的《皇冠体育》指导方针暗示,在接下来的365天内,你不能再进行间接转期。). 在适用此限制时,不再考虑RMD的返回(仅根据《皇冠体育》和附加指导放弃的RMD).



Certain RMDs have been waived under the CARES Act and Notice 2020-51. This has provided you with the option to keep the RMD you received, or return it. 如需退回RMD,请致电(888)221-1234与皇冠体育联系.

If you are taking your RMD in installments throughout the year (quarterly, monthly, etc.), you can return multiple distributions as one indirect rollover. If you wish to defer future 2020 payments, please contact our office at (888) 221-1234.


 How can I defer my scheduled 2020 RMD that I have not received yet?

美国国税局已经免除了2020年的RMD. This has provided you with the option to take the RMD as planned, 只服用你RMD的一部分, 或者将你的全部付款推迟到2021年. 如果您想更改或推迟2020年RMD付款,请致电(888)221-1234与皇冠体育联系.

如果皇冠体育没有你的消息, we will continue to make any payments to you based on the instructions we have on file.




Qualified individuals at any age are able to take up to $100,000 in CRDs. 对于收到的CRD付款,年龄在59岁半以下的合格个人将免除10%的提前分配税. 这是1. 2020年12月1日和12月1日. 30, 2020. Normal contract provisions, including surrender and withdrawal charges, still apply.


  1. 被诊断患有COVID-19的个体.
  2. Individuals who have a spouse or dependent diagnosed with COVID-19.
  3. 因COVID-19而遭受不利经济后果的个人(或配偶或个人家庭成员), 如:
  • 被隔离 
  • being furloughed, laid off or having work hours reduced
  • 由于缺乏儿童看护而不能工作
  • closing or reducing hours of a business owned or operated by the individual
  • having a reduction in pay, a job offer rescinded or start date for a job delayed

除非你选择不这样做,否则在接下来的三年里,CRD支付将默认按税率征税. 皇冠体育鼓励您咨询您的税务专业人员,了解已缴纳的CRD款项将如何影响您未来的个人所得税申报表, 并决定你是否有资格参加CRD考试.

请注意:美国股票不需要验证分发是否针对与冠状病毒相关的分发. In addition, the CRD information above is an informational update only. There is not a unique way to report CRD payments on 1099 - r形式, 你可以期望在1099-R表上报告CRD付款和其他任何分配一样. 


In general, the IRS treats a change in substantially equal periodic payments (i.e. 72美元的付款)是违法的,并且可能会让你面临10%的提前分销税. 然而, 《皇冠体育》和《皇冠体育官网》确实允许你参加CRD,即使你已经设定了72美元的付款. This specific transaction will not violate the 72t requirements. 你需要继续支付72美元,直到59岁半,或者5年,以较晚的为准.


You may recontribute CRD payments over the next three years. 重新摊款必须在收到遣散费付款次日开始的三年期间内缴付. Recontributions may be made in one or multiple payments. The total amount of contributions may not exceed the total of CRD payments received.

已偿还的CRD款项不需纳税. 皇冠体育鼓励您咨询您的税务专家,了解这将如何影响您未来的个人所得税申报表.

如果你表明你正在偿还CRD,美国股权将报告这是一个直接转移. 如果您打算将捐款用作偿还CRD款项,您有责任通知皇冠体育.


 When is the deadline to make 2019 contribution to my IRA?

美国国税局 has extended the deadline to make 2019 contributions. 如果在7月15日之前加盖邮戳,2019年的捐款可以应用于合同.

 When can I expect to receive my 2019 5498年形成 from 美国股票?

美国国税局, 此时此刻, has extended and provided the option to file and mail 5498年形成s at a later date. 美国股票 continued to mail 5498年形成s in May as in past years. 如果你在5498表格寄出后才捐款, 美国股票公司会寄给你一份更正过的5498表格.


We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy during these challenging times. 请知道皇冠体育是来支持你的.

This is an initial interpretation of changes related to the CARES Act. 美国国税局 may release additional guidance to address other situations and questions. The information provided is not intended as legal or tax advice. If you are seeking advice on any updates or questions related to the CARES Act, we encourage you to consult with a qualified tax professional.
