婴儿潮一代的退休趋势:交通 & 卫生保健

Droves of retiring baby boomers are driving change in late-life transportation and travel. 医疗保健和技术创新正在帮助退休人员享受积极的生活方式.


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今天, boomers are the longest living generation in history and remain at the forefront of the economy.^Investopedia,“婴儿潮一代” 控制着全国70%的可支配收入, 平均每年花费超过3美元.2万亿美元,2^美国世界与世界报告,婴儿潮一代,2015年 这一群体影响着广泛的行业和生活方式趋势.  This dominance is likely to continue as spending by Americans over 50 is projected to increase by 58 percent through the next two decades.3^《皇冠体育官网》,“你的50+战略是什么?? 《皇冠体育》,第29期. 2013.

婴儿潮一代往往更倾向于引领潮流,而不是跟随潮流. This spirit is reshaping the retirement landscape with new methods for meeting both financial and personal goals, 同时迎合比前几代退休者更积极的生活方式. Below we look at some of the top retirement expenses to see how boomers are driving new trends in these industries as they pursue meaningful retirement.


交通是退休人员年度预算的第二大消耗.^美国劳工统计局,“消费者支出研究”,按年龄分列. 2017随着交通需求和技术的发展, boomers will lead the charge for what may be a radical change in how we live in retirement, 以及皇冠体育如何在减速后四处走动.


Retirement communities are proving ideal settings for autonomous ride-sharing services. 而自动驾驶汽车仍处于早期发展阶段, many major car brands and transportation-related companies are putting a lot of resources into the technology. There are already multiple retirement communities in Florida and California that have deployed the service for residents, 汽车限速为每小时35英里,只能在社区内行驶.

自动驾驶汽车的好处可能是双重的:安全和经济. 这项服务提供了一个安全, reliable option for individuals with age-related difficulties getting around at night or other challenges. +, as more communities incorporate this service and bring it on as part of an amenity package, 老年人的预算可能会从减少汽车付款等支出中受益, 保险及保养. 


许多婴儿潮一代都计划这么做 退休旅行. 根据美国退休人员协会的一项研究, 38 percent have already created a travel bucket list they hope to fulfill in the coming years.^AARP“AARP旅游研究:2017年旅游遗愿清单”2017年A growing segment of retirees and pre-retirees are even finding their new home is overseas. 社会保障局(Social Security Administration)列出的增幅为100,近年来,向海外居民支付的款项达5,000元. Experts assume there are far more baby boomers retiring abroad who do not receive checks internationally.^社会保障局,“社会保障福利美国”.S. 《皇冠体育》,2016年

这种外籍人士的做法是另一种 age-in-place 选择吸引新退休人员. 经常, major international metropolitan cities provide the same living benefits as domestic options, 减少对个人交通工具的依赖, 而且成本只是国内成本的一小部分. 例如, 一份国际生活报告列出了欧洲的五个首都城市, 在亚洲和拉丁美洲,一个人的生活费不到37美元,1万美元一年.7 ^ Internationalliving.com, "5 Capital Cities Where a Couple Can Retire on Less than $37,000" by International Living. 2018


Boomers are aging into retirement at the nexus of sweeping innovation in two key industries: health care and technology. Moving forward, the groups are poised to work in tandem to revolutionize late-life living. 皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)最近报告称,这一群体的技术采用率有所上升. Boomers are now far more likely to own a smartphone than they were in 2011 (67 percent now versus 25 percent then). 此外, 大约一半(52%)的人说他们现在拥有一台平板电脑, 大多数人(57%)现在使用社交媒体. Point being, the industry is well on its way to wide-spread integration into retirement life.8^Pew Research Center, "Millennials stand out for their technology use" by JingJing Jiang. 2018.


今天’s retirees are, by in large, healthier and more active than previous generations. 因此,皇冠体育活得更长,享受的时间更长, 快乐的退休 需要更多的活动. This increasing interest in an active late-year lifestyle dovetails with a growing fitness technology and wearables market. 婴儿潮一代传统上拥抱科技, and are currently emerging as a prosperous market for fitness wearables manufacturers.

在短短几年内,健身追踪已经从小众发展到无处不在, 并没有显示出衰退的迹象. Look no further than Apple who recently announced their increased foray into health care and wellness. These are slated to be an integral part of the tech giant's app, services and wearables’ future. 他们的目标是成为一个个人健康记录服务, 投身研究, 医疗设备等.9^Apple, "Apple announces effortless solution bringing health records to iphone," News Release. 2018


随着婴儿潮一代的成年, the health care system has scrambled to accommodate the significant impact a generational patient influx will have on already strained medical resources. 对于个人而言, health care costs are a perennial concern in retirement when annual medical expenses average 13 percent of spending. (另外,预计会随着年龄增长而增加).^美国劳工统计局,“消费者支出研究”,按年龄分列. 2017This combination of factors may serve as a catalyst for major health technology developments, which can play a significant role in reducing costs and improving care for the demographic.

婴儿潮一代, 和年轻病人一样, 准备好利用科技在自我护理中发挥积极作用了吗. Research from the College of Public Health and Social Justice shows more and more boomers are turning to health websites, 电子邮件, 自动呼叫中心, 医疗视频会议和短信是他们医疗服务的一部分. 与此同时, consumer health technology providers are broadening their services to reach patients where they live. Additional improvements and implementation of better communication platforms and health-monitoring services can help enable home and self-care. 随着这些患者和提供者技术的发展, boomers may find themselves on the leading edge of a more efficient health care system that allows for more patient care while keeping costs low.10^公共卫生和社会正义学院," 婴儿潮一代' adoption of consumer health technologies: survey on readiness and barriers,作者:LeRouge C, 范斯莱克C, 希尔维, 赖特K. 2014.


是否希望开始, 或者跟随退休的趋势, the steps taken today can help protect a life's work and ensure lifelong income for what the future brings. 虽然没有两次退休是相同的, retirement benefits like principal protection and securing a guaranteed income source are universal needs. That's why finding a retirement income solution that helps meet those needs is an important early step in 退休前的规划, 不管你退休后会去哪里.  

“你只有这一刻. 你不能活在过去,你不知道未来会发生什么,凯瑟琳·凯西-科什林说, 最初的婴儿潮一代, 70岁时th 生日. 

这是对积极前景的忠告, 并强调了确保金融稳定的重要性.

皇冠体育的退休趋势系列中,皇冠体育还研究了 房屋退休趋势.皇冠体育的最后一部分中,皇冠体育将探讨 退休收入趋势.




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