The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Ongoing Impact on Retirement Planning for Americans

A recent study by the 指数年金领导委员会 provides key insight into how many Americans are thinking and feeling about the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has affected retirement income planning, 包括用年金保障终身收入.



正在进行的COVID-19大流行给所有美国人带来了压力, 包括那些积极计划退休的人. 健康和财政方面的担忧造成了不确定的环境, 这加剧了美国人退休后面临的挑战. 

Different age groups have been affected by economic and social changes since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020年4月,65岁及以上工人的失业率达到15%的峰值.6%. This exceeded the rate of unemployment for those ages 25 to 54 by three percentage points, 这是有记录以来两组之间最大的差距.1^R.W. Johnson, Urban Institute, "As Unemployment Surges, Older Workers Need 更多的 Help, May 2020." 根据 一项由 指数化年金领导委员会 “40 percent of Americans say they had to dip into their savings to cover daily expenses since the pandemic began and 15 percent said they had to dip into them ‘a lot.’"2^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021.

同时, 大流行引发了一场关于财务的更全面的对话, 存钱和如何舒适地退休. 在IALC的调查中,超过2,000人, 35%的人表示,自2020年3月以来,他们更多地谈论了自己的财务状况. Statistics by the IALC also suggest younger Americans are now interested in retirement products like annuities more than ever, 77%的人可能会考虑.3^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021.


One of the most important aspects of retirement planning throughout the pandemic has been protecting what’s already in place. 在不同的年龄组, the IALC study highlights the worry some Americans have had about their current retirement savings. Seventy-six percent of Americans said protecting their savings from loss is important to them. Seventy-seven percent say it is important that they do not run out of income in retirement. The study also found that 86% of Americans now regard having guaranteed income in retirement as important.4^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021.

The pandemic also had a significant impact on the timing of retirement for many Americans. During the first quarter of 2020, the size of the retired population in the U.S. 超出正常趋势又增加了1.700万人.5^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021. 反过来, the IALC study revealed that the pandemic had delayed 30 percent of respondents’ plans to head into retirement, and 33 percent of those planning to retire within the next five years have also moved their original timeline. Forty-five percent acknowledge saving for the future is more of a concern since the pandemic, 42%的人担心退休后会花光钱.6^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021. 

从更积极的方面来说, 当前的退休人员, 定义为在5-10年前退休的人, 当谈到经济上的舒适时,你的满意度很高吗. 近80%的人表示退休后的生活质量令人满意.7^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021. 

How 年金 Can Help Make a Difference in Retirement Income Planning, Despite the Pandemic

An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company purchased in a lump sum or through a series of recurring premium payments. 年金 are sold by licensed insurance agents and are regulated by state departments of insurance. The annuity is backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company.

两个最常见的类别是 固定年金 可变年金. These annuities have different methods of earning interest on the contract value. Variable annuities earn returns based on the performance of the investment portfolio. 回报不能保证,合同价值可能上升或下降.

However, according to the IALC, annuities can provide key benefits including:

  • 有保障的收入来源
  • 投资组合多样化
  • 主要保护
  • 潜在的延税增长 8^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021. 

整体, 51 percent of Americans said they are now more likely to consider an annuity to shore up their retirement.9^指数年金领导委员会, "年金, Retirement and the Pandemic", July 2021. 

A separate study by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) echoes those results and clearly illustrates annuities as more of an option due to its features surrounding guaranteed income. 根据近红外光谱, 54 percent of Americans agree they would use some of their savings to buy guaranteed monthly income.美国国家退休保障研究所, 《皇冠体育》,2021年, 美国人对退休的看法,  2021. 

而社会保障为大多数退休人员提供了安全保障, 它可能不能提供足够的钱作为唯一的收入来源. 多元化的投资组合, 包括不同类型的年金, can help make a longer-term financial impact and also may mitigate the risk of declining income in retirement.

今天的退休目标, 哪些国家受到COVID-19的广泛影响, remain a reliable income source that provides asset protection and stability amid historic uncertainty. 和金融专业人士谈谈 关于退休收入的选择,可以帮助保持退休计划的轨道, 减少对储蓄过期的担忧, 并创造一个舒适和满意的退休生活方式.



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年金 are long term vehicles designed for retirement income and are not suitable for everyone. They involve restrictions and charges, including possible surrender penalties for early withdrawals. 年金分配需缴纳普通所得税, 如果在59岁半之前拍照,可能会额外缴纳10%的联邦罚款. Guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims paying ability of 美国股票 and are not guaranteed by any bank or insured by the FDIC.