
Longer, 越来越多的美国人选择固定指数年金和终身收入附加选项来满足他们的终身收入需求.

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对许多人来说,退休可能是一生的开销. 退休的平均总成本超过了大学教育的平均成本, expense of raising a child, and the cost of a home, combined.1^Average adult 65+ spends $48,000 annually U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic; average life expectancy 84-86.5 years; totals: $48,000 x 20 = $960,000. LendingTree, ValuePenguin, Avg. tuition: Public Four year (in-state) annual: $9,970; Public Four-year (out of state) annual $25,620; Private Four year (annual): $34,740; U.S. 美国农业部(USDA)《皇冠体育官网》. 2015 Expenditures on Children by Families.” 2017: $233,610; Zillow.com; median home value in the United States is $226,700. Perhaps for this reason, the Indexed Annuity Leadership Council, 报告称,50%的美国人最大的担忧是活得比收入长,无法维持目前的生活方式.^指数年金领导委员会,“美国人对退休的最大恐惧”,2016.

Whether it's staying active with gym memberships, taking lessons, 在最喜欢的或新开的餐厅吃饭,旅行或度过一个愉快的夜晚, it can add up during retirement. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor and Statistics)发现,每位退休人员的平均支出约为50美元,每年提前退休,然后降至37美元,000 in later years.3^Haynes, C. (2020, July 13). How Much Should I Spend in Retirement? NextGen Wealth. http://www.nextgen-wealth.com/blog/how-much-should-i-spend-in-retirement Although every retirement plan will be unique, 能够准备和调整投资组合以应对小的和大的开支将是非常有益的.

As a result, baby boomers, faced with longer retirements, funded by limited, unpredictable income sources, are turning to safe money alternatives in retirement. As insurance products, 固定指数年金提供期权,帮助确保退休收入,而不受股市波动的影响.   

固定指数年金允许持有人将一笔总金额转换成一系列的年金付款, 要么为所有人的一生,要么为特定的一段时间. However, once these annuity payments start, the payments are generally locked-in, 这意味着所有者不能更改任何付款的金额. 为了让业主获得有保障的收入支付流的好处, 同时保持对资金的灵活性和控制权, many insurance companies now offer income riders, which can be added to a fixed index annuity.

What is an Income Rider and How Does it Work?

年金和投保人一起工作,帮助提供有保障的终身收入流, while allowing flexibility on when to start, defer or stop payments. 除了拥有本金保护和税收递延增长的年金收益, 增加收入附加条款允许获得保证终身收入,额外的资产控制和单一或共同终身付款的选择.

Of course, 每个人的退休收入需求都是不同的,评估这些需求将有助于确定什么是退休收入 fixed index annuity and income rider best suit your needs. 下面皇冠体育将介绍在制定终身收入产品决策时需要考虑的主要收入附加条款特征.

Income Rider Accumulation Period

If an income rider is elected, typically for an annual fee, or sometimes no fee, 业主能够确保增长潜力和收入稳定. 有了收入附加条款,利息通常会在一段时间内积累起来. Based on the product and the option selected, 利息可按单利或复利计息. 利息通常在附加条款中规定的时间段内继续累积,或者直到所有者选择接收收入付款. 

Rider Fees Are Important

当谈到收入乘客时,不同的航空公司收取费用的方式不同. Fees may also vary by product. 重要的是要了解骑手要收取什么费用,以及如何计算费用和如何支付费用.

Income Rider Payout Options

With many income riders, you maintain control of the principal, 并且在如何支付福利方面有灵活性. 一些收入附加条款还为健康相关费用提供了更多的支付选择. 增加支付的资格和可用性因承运人和产品而异.

Speak with Your Financial Professional

退休通常是一个人能做的最大的财务决定之一. 随着退休计划的责任继续从雇主转移到雇员, 这些都是更多提前退休人员不得不做出的决定. For many, 没有什么有保障的投资工具比附带收入条款的固定指数年金更适合当今的退休环境了. 和你的财务专家谈谈,看看这些选择如何为你工作.



Based on the product and option selected, 累积在收入附加条款上的利息通常不是一次性获得的,也没有现金价值. 
所提供的内容仅供参考,不构成建议. 关于这如何适用于您的个人情况的具体细节,请联系您的个人财务顾问或保险代理人了解更多细节. 美国股票合约只能通过独立代理出售. 请与您所在州的保险部门联系,看看是否有独立的保险代理在您所在地区指定销售美国股票年金合同. 
超过收入附加付款的提款可能会减少未来的收入付款. 提款需缴纳联邦和州所得税(如适用). 在59岁半之前提款,也可能需要缴纳10%的联邦税罚款.
皇冠体育官网保险公司®不提供法律、投资或税务建议. Please consult a qualified professional.