



How many times have you found yourself saying those words when thinking back on fond memories? 为了皇冠体育所有人, 日常生活活动, 工作和家庭很快就会交织在一起, 在皇冠体育意识到之前, 时光飞逝. 

然而,当谈到皇冠体育的未来时,皇冠体育对时间的感觉会发生变化. The 10 years that feel like yesterday in our past, can feel far away when they’re in our future. 但很快,皇冠体育就会在这10年结束时想知道时间都去哪儿了.

对许多人来说,这10年将导致退休. 对另一些人来说,退休计划来得更早. 退休可能最快5年,甚至1年. 根据指数年金领导委员会(IALC) 2018年的一项调查,, 79%的受访员工承认对自己的退休生活表示担忧.1^Indexed Annuity Leadership Council “Survey of America’s Workforce: A Study of Retirement Readiness by Industry and Occupation” 2018

这就是为什么有一个前瞻性的退休前计划是如此重要. If you’re 10 years or less from retirement, though, getting everything in order may seem daunting. 你甚至不知道从哪里开始.

你不会孤单. That same IALC survey also found workers who are unprepared for retirement lack information about retirement planning, 大约有一半的人感到知之甚少或根本不知情.1^Indexed Annuity Leadership Council “Survey of America’s Workforce: A Study of Retirement Readiness by Industry and Occupation” 2018


而不是因为计划退休而感到不知所措, 为了准备得更充分,制定一个比赛计划是很容易的. 首先要了解一些重要的年龄里程碑,它们会影响你的生活方式, 多少钱?, 你可以为退休储蓄:

• 50: The age when you can make additional contributions to your 401(k) or IRA (“catch-up contributions”)2^I.R.C. §219(b)(5)(b)(i) (2018).
•59岁半:你可以开始从合格的计划中提取资金的年龄, 比如401(k)和个人退休账户, and annuity contracts without incurring a 10 percent penalty (unless an exception applies for early distributions) 3^I.R.C§72(t)(2)(A)(i) (2015).
•62岁:你可以开始领取社会保障退休福利的最早年龄 4^社会保障署“福利规划师:退休” 
• 72: The age when you must begin taking annual distributions from your qualified retirement plans, 罗斯个人退休账户(针对6月1日出生的人)除外, 1949, 或更高版本)5^I.R.C§401(a)(9)(C)(i) (2020). 
不管你是10岁 , 离退休还有五年甚至一年的时间, here are some important tips to help you make sure that you have an effective plan for your future:


The IALC survey reported workers regretted not saving enough when it came to retirement planning. 事实上, 40% of workers surveyed claimed their biggest mistake in retirement planning was not saving earlier.1^ Indexed Annuity Leadership Council “Survey of America’s Workforce: A Study of Retirement Readiness by Industry and Occupation” 2018

看看你认为你能负担得起什么, 你打算什么时候开始退休, 还能提供一些见解吗. 如果你担心你在未来十年内无法退休, it might mean revisiting your investment strategies under your company’s 401(k) plan or similar investments and adjusting to prepare better for the future.

在这段退休前的时间里, 你应该考虑评估你所有潜在的退休收入来源. 社会保障局的网站 provides retirement planning calculators that can help you better understand where your needs are now so you can adjust accordingly.

The Social Security Administration also allows you to set up a free account where you can receive personalized estimates of future benefits based on your earnings, 获取你最近的社会保障报表,回顾你的收入历史.^社会保障局"社会保障局"


The lifestyle you plan to have during retirement is also a factor to start considering in the years ahead of your retirement. One in three workers expect to spend more during retirement on their daily expenses than their current expenses, 而三分之二的员工认为他们实际上会减少支出, 根据IALC的调查. 1^Indexed Annuity Leadership Council “Survey of America’s Workforce: A Study of Retirement Readiness by Industry and Occupation” 2018

What kind of lifestyle do you want in your retirement and are you financially prepared to pay for it?  根据美国劳工统计局2016年的一项调查, 这些受访者的年总开支平均为49美元,年龄在55岁及以上的家庭为279人. 7^United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics “A closer look at spending patterns of older Americans” 2016

你可以在退休五年后计算出你目前的净资产. It’s important to take inventory of your assets and annual expenses so you can identify any gaps between your income and expenses. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics also stated survey participants reported housing is the greatest expense for households with a person age 55 or older.7^United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics “A closer look at spending patterns of older Americans” 2016 想想你想住在哪里,想要什么样的房子, condo or apartment would be best for you in your golden years; and, 记得把它算进你的开支里.

医疗保健仍然是退休者的主要支出之一. The Lifetime Medical Spending of Retirees report stated people incur an average of $122,000美元的医疗费, 包括医疗补助, 从70岁到他们的余生.8^National Bureau of Economic Research “The Lifetime Medical Spending of Retirees” 2018

其中一个重要因素是健康保险计划, 尤其是如果你在65岁之前退休, 什么时候医疗保险可以开始覆盖.9 ^医疗保险.“从医疗保险开始”

当你离退休还有五年, 这也是回顾和更新你的遗产计划的好时机, 如果有必要的话. Naming or updating the proper beneficiaries on all of your accounts and policies is important.

一项来自高级护理专家的调查.该网站发现,只有42%的美国网民选择了互联网.S. 成年人已经准备好了遗产规划文件,包括遗嘱或生前信托. 与此同时,在72岁及以上的成年人中,81%的人表示有遗嘱或生前信托.10 ^关怀.2017年调查显示,超过一半的美国成年人没有遗嘱

A Power of Attorney (POA) is another important estate planning document to review five years before your retirement. A POA allows you to designate a person to make important decisions on your behalf if you are not able to do so in the future. A financial POA allows you to designate a person to make financial decisions for you and a medical POA allows you to designate a person to make medical decisions for you.

的关怀.com survey also showed 83% of Americans over the age of 72 have executed a health care power of attorney.10 ^关怀.2017年调查显示,超过一半的美国成年人没有遗嘱

It’s important to make sure all necessary legal documents concerning your estate are up to date. 遗产规划文件是重要的法律文件, 哪些应该由持牌律师准备.


Retirement planning might seem overwhelming if you are one year away from retirement age. 在过去的十年里,你一直在确保你的财务和储蓄井然有序. 现在是时候准备好改变生活方式了. And for many, that might mean continuing working in some type of professional capacity. 截至2019年2月, 超过20%的65岁及以上的美国人在工作或找工作, 是1985年历史最低水平10%的两倍.^United Income,“劳动力中的美国老年人”,2004年4月., 2019. 

对于一些, the move to a new profession in post-retirement years can mean opening new doors to stay involved in a new role in a previous workplace, 或者去探索一种激情. A retired teacher might become a substitute for the local school district and a business executive might look into becoming a management consultant.

This is the point where you can choose how you want to earn additional income in retirement. 另一个要做的重要决定是如何度过你的空闲时间.
社交网络通常是围绕工作和职业建立的. It’s important to invest time and resources into physical and mental health and building up a new social network during retirement. 

Preparing to retire means having a complete view of your financial, health and lifestyle goals. 虽然看起来很吓人, 一份清单可以让你的任务井然有序, 尤其是你退休的日子越来越近了. 你开始得越早,准备得就越充分. 下载皇冠体育的退休前清单 now so you can start preparing for your future, whether retirement is a decade or just months away.


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