9 Ways to Plan for a Happier Retirement

Taking control of your finances, 健康和幸福并不是相互排斥的任务,而是一种全面的方法,让你在退休后过上最好、最幸福的生活.

Joyful women laughing

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Asking yourself, “When can I retire?” is often the first step in planning your future. 现在更进一步,问问自己什么是快乐的退休生活. 弄清楚你想从人生的下一阶段得到什么可以帮助你确定时间, planning and goals.

Tip #1: Find a Purpose

A new chapter without a consistent routine can feel empowering. 但根据你对退休的适应,它也可能会让你感到难以承受. 找到一个目标和激情可以帮助你驾驭退休的浪潮,并规划一个你在驾驶座上的未来. You might not have the same purpose you had when you were working, 但这并不意味着你不能过渡到不同的、有回报的工作. 提前计划,找到能给你带来归属感、目标感和意义的东西.1^Marketwatch, Liz Weston, "Depression, isolation, loss of purpose: Could retirement be bad for your mental health?" 02/22 

Tip #2: Think About Your Health

Just as you’re taking steps to plan a financially secure future, planning for a healthy lifestyle also starts now. Assess your risk factors for common health issues. 定期进行健康检查,并确保你可能需要的任何疫苗都是最新的,这可以保护你. 简单的健康饮食和保持运动也可以降低患心脏病的风险, high blood pressure and other health risks. 考虑在你的饮食中加入大量的水果和蔬菜,不要忘记多喝水.^WebMD, Melinda Ratini,“退休后保持健康的方法”,2008年8月

Tip #3: Plan for Income

是的,你在为退休做计划,但你在计划什么呢? 在退休收入方面,对自己的消费习惯有一个现实的预期是决定什么对你有用的关键. 寻找具有可靠的终身收入和本金保障等福利的退休解决方案,可以帮助补充其他退休储蓄,这样你就不会低估开支,也不会亏本.3^Thinkadvisor, Jim Poolman,“固定指数年金的案例”,2012年12月

Tip #4: Stay Positive

 Retirement, like many milestones in life, has ups and downs. There are circumstances that can impact your retirement plans, such as having to retire earlier or later than anticipated, or unexpected health issues. No matter the circumstances, 拥有积极的态度和保持乐观对于健康的退休生活很重要. 根据美国国家科学院的一项研究,乐观甚至与延长寿命有关.^《皇冠体育》, “在两组男性和女性的流行病学研究中,乐观与超长寿命有关," 2019 优先考虑你的心理健康,找到可以帮助你最大限度地利用退休的人际关系,这些都是很好的帮手,这样你就可以享受你的黄金岁月.

Tip #5: Find Your Community

志愿服务或生活在退休社区可以减少退休后患抑郁症的风险. 在你帮助别人的同时,志愿服务也为你的身心健康带来好处.5^ Barrons, Tom Wilk, “退休志愿服务如何帮助你的社区和你的健康。," 10/21 在你所在的地区有很多很棒的皇冠体育官网可以帮助你找到志愿者的机会, including VolunteerMatch or RSVP, a volunteer network for people over 55.

Tip #6: Keep Learning

 美国退休人员协会最近的一项研究发现,超过一半的45岁及以上的美国人继续积极学习新事物. 6^ AARP Research, Brittne Kakulla, “终身学习吸引老年人促进个人成长和认知健康," 03/22 退休后,你终于有时间学习一种乐器了,这是你梦寐以求的, read Shakespeare or study up on interesting topics. Whether you take an online course, listen to podcasts, learn a new skill or read books, 刺激大脑不仅能让你忙碌,还能让你保持健康. 美国国家老龄化研究所表示,经常参加活动和爱好的人更快乐、更健康.^国家老龄化研究所,“认知健康和老年人”,4月22日

Tip #7: Keep Moving

保持活跃可能会对退休后的幸福感产生积极影响. 就像你的大脑需要保持活跃以获得更快乐的退休生活一样,你的身体也是如此. A new study from the University of Georgia shows that exercise, or simply increasing physical activity throughout your day, can improve brain function in adults 51 and older.8 .乔治亚大学,“随着年龄的增长,体育活动可以保护你的大脑”,22年3月 即使你不去健身房,锻炼也能让你在退休后感到强壮和满足. Maybe it’s a simple morning walk or a lap in the pool; by finding something you enjoy, you can be happier and healthier in retirement. 

Tip #8: Plan & Prepare

Don’t leave important decisions to chance. While it’s never too late to start saving for retirement; it’s never too early to begin preparing. According to PWC, “A quarter of U.S. 成年人没有退休储蓄,只有36%的人认为他们的退休计划在正轨上.9^PWC, "Retirement in America: Time to Rethink and Retool," 04/22 通过计划,你可以减少被惊讶的风险,并且可以解决你的担忧. If you need help, 金融专业人士可以帮助你确定什么最适合你.

Tip #9: Check Off Your Bucket List

What have you always wanted to do? 它不需要花费数千美元来达到你的愿望清单. It could be as simple as learning to paint or getting a massage. 也许你的遗愿清单包括自驾游去看大海或自由女神像. Life is full of wonder and surprises, so if you don’t have a bucket list, get started! 

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