How Ready Are Americans for Retirement?

In partnership with the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) and American Equity, 一项新的研究调查了退休人员和准备退休的人对自己的准备情况的看法. 皇冠体育重点介绍了他们最关心的一些问题,并探讨了退休后有保障的收入如何有助于缓解他们的担忧.

Explore how ready Americans are to retire.

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Key Themes and Insights from “Aligning Retirement Expectations with Financial Resources”

退休后,退休人员应该放慢脚步,享受那些在他们还在工作的时候可能做不到的事情. Being financially prepared can be a big part of being able to achieve that goal. Key statistics from the IRI’s research. “Aligning Retirement Expectations with Financial Resources,” 提供了关于多少美国人对未来退休收入来源的感受的见解.

  • 在接受调查的接近退休或已经退休的美国工人中,有60%的人担心或不相信收入能支付退休期间的开支. 
  • 超过一半即将退休的人认为,他们将需要两倍以上的社会保障来维持生计.
  • 66%接受调查的退休人员认为,终身收入有保障,退休后会更有安全感.

At the same time, 该研究还表明,许多退休人员和即将退休的人都意识到他们可以做些什么来减轻他们可能面临的一些问题. 关于保障收入的讨论似乎部分取决于一个群体对年金的了解程度. Both groups were less likely to purchase an annuity based on hearing the name alone; however, they were more likely to consider them for their retirement portfolio when explained what annuities can do and how they work. In this case, near-retirees expressed greater interest in fixed index annuities, 部分原因是这群人意识到退休后必须自己提供收入的可能性. 接近退休和已经退休的人似乎对金融专业人士也有很高的信心,更喜欢从他们那里获得有关退休产品的信息.

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通过减少雇主提供的养老金,增加保障收入的必要性变得显而易见. IRI发现,越来越少的接近退休的人希望能够通过养老金来补充收入, increasing the potential need to purchase guaranteed income options.

Top Concerns for Retirees

该研究还强调了对即将退休和退休人员的担忧,这比其他任何问题都要严重——医疗保健和保持健康. 两个群体中都有大约70%的人表示,他们担心医疗成本的增加和长期护理的影响, specifically. 

Over 60% of both groups are also worried about major expenses that might pop up, running out of money and being unable to afford their lifestyle. Here, 未退休人士和已退休人士之间的差异很明显——未退休人士对经济上无法维持他们的生活方式的担忧要高出10%以上.

Income continues to be a top worry for near-retirees and retirees. Only 40% of near-retirees think pensions or Social Security will provide enough income, versus 65% of retirees. 

Given the data, 财务安全在提供一个充实和安全的退休经历中起着重要的作用, 调查结果显示,退休人员正在寻找有保障的收入来源,以帮助填补潜在的收入缺口.

What Annuity Works For You?

Annuities and the Impact of Financial Advice

然而,研究中的数据表明,美国人对自己为退休提供资金的能力缺乏信心, they also understand there are options to help protect and grow their hard-earned dollars. 这里的关键发现是,对年金的兴趣与了解其特征有关,而对即将退休和退休的人来说,获取信息才是最重要的.

Specifically, 当固定指数年金(FIAs)的好处得到适当解释时,两组人都对其非常感兴趣. While some products can provide greater potential for growth, FIA’s, 固定年金和即时年金在市场低迷时提供主要保障,并保证终身收入. In fact, 接受调查的近退休人士中,87%的人可能会购买一种被描述为固定指数年金的金融产品.

Both retirees and near-retirees prefer financial professionals to explain products to them directly. Just as they prefer information to come straight from a financial professional, they also want them to take care of the transaction.

  • 58%的退休和未退休受访者表示,他们更喜欢通过金融专业人士购买产品.
  • 52%的退休和未退休受访者希望直接从金融专业人士那里获得皇冠体育.


About the Study

As The Financial Dignity Company, 皇冠体育希望确保皇冠体育的客户和金融专业人士在退休收入计划方面获得所需的信息,以便他们做出明智的决定. In partnership with the IRI, the study, “Aligning Retirement Expectations with Financial Resources,” 提供当前退休人员和准备在未来15年内退休人员的简要情况, feel about their confidence when it comes to retirement questions.

The IRI interviewed over 2,000 Americans aged 45 and older and asked them about retirement income, retirement products, communication about retirement products, and other topics. The data was collected in late 2021. The near-retiree and retiree groups were evenly distributed. The retiree sample included people that had been retired for at least five years, while near-retirees were no more than 15 years from expected retirement.

While only a sample of how Americans feel about retirement preparedness, 这项研究有助于皇冠体育继续在退休收入规划领域进行创新,并发现新的方法来帮助美国人在退休后找到皇冠体育.


本博客提供的信息来自退休保险协会的研究 “调整退休预期与财务皇冠体育官网”与美国股权合作.

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not a recommendation to buy, sell, hold or rollover any asset. It does not take into account the specific financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, or need of any specific person. 在提供此信息时,皇冠体育官网保险公司不作为劳工部定义的受托人. American Equity does not offer legal, investment or tax advice or make recommendations regarding insurance or investment products. Please consult a qualified professional. 
年金是为退休收入而设计的长期工具,并不适合所有人. 这些措施包括限制和收费,包括可能对提前提款的人进行投降处罚. Annuity distributions are subject to ordinary income taxes, and if taken before age 59-1/2 may incur an additional 10% federal penalty. 担保是基于美国股权的财务实力和索赔支付能力,不受任何银行的担保或FDIC的保险. Availability may vary by state. Possible interest credits for money allocated to an index-linked crediting strategy are based upon performance of the specific index; however, fixed index annuities are not an investment, but an insurance product, and do not directly invest in the stock market or the index itself. Product and feature availability may vary by state.