
看看固定指数年金的好处如何共同作用,使退休收入计划走上正轨. We look at six top 固定指数年金 benefits: principal protection, 延期缴税, 增长机会, 流动性, guaranteed income and beneficiary payments.

Three women in retirement jogging on a boardwalk

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Fixed index annuities can help provide greater financial confidence, 不管一个人的退休收入计划处于什么阶段,也不管市场发生了什么变化. 它们旨在解决许多基本的退休问题,例如:延税增长, 一生的收入, 守护血汗钱, 创造一个平衡的投资组合. 

Retirement is not so much a finish line, but more of another leg of a race. There is strategy in preparing for such an endeavor similar to athletes training before the big day; although an advantage of retirement planning is that it allows for adapting one’s strategy mid race and being able to correct the direction. When considering fixed index annuities and their benefits, 权衡风险和财务目标可以为更易于管理的退休收入规划之旅设定步伐. 

“团队合作成就梦想”这句话适用于许多情况,退休也不例外. 一个合理的退休收入计划就像一场接力赛——所有的部分都在一起帮助你在每一段的跑步中取得成功, up to and past the retirement finish line. 作为全面战略的一部分, fixed index annuities offer a combination of benefits that can help build, 保障和维持退休收入. 


1. 信安保障是一项固定指数年金福利,有助保障长期稳定.

A 固定指数年金 is an insurance product designed to ensure continual and consistent retirement income.  Funds contributed to a 固定指数年金 can never be lost due to market volatility.

这对许多担心自己的储蓄而面临黄金岁月的美国人来说,可能是一个特别重要的好处. 在2022年的研究中, in partnership with the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) and 美国股票, 只有43%的接近退休的人回答说,他们觉得自己已经为退休存了足够的钱,或者他们不确定自己的储蓄. 同一项研究还表明,66%的退休人员表示,如果他们有更多的终身收入保障,他们会感到更有退休保障.1^退休保险协会, 美国股票: "Aligning Retirement Expectations with Financial 皇冠体育官网," 2022 作为全面战略的一部分, 固定指数年金可以提供本金保障等好处,并有助于创造退休后的稳定.

2. Tax-deferred growth potential is a great opportunity to help build up an income source.

Along with protection from index-decreases, most fixed index annuities also help shield money from annual taxation on interest, as long as the funds remain in the annuity. Funds held in an annuity are generally taxed as ordinary income when withdrawn. 这样一来,储备金就可以在积累阶段实现递延纳税和复利增长, further shoring up resources for when you choose to take an income.

Because a 固定指数年金 offers the opportunity to earn interest on principal, and on interest earned (with taxes deferred), 它提供了一个启动退休资产的途径,这些资产可能无法通过非税递延账户获得. These benefits can be a welcomed option for many Americans. 作为IRI研究的一部分, 60% of American workers nearing retirement and those already retired, responded that their income would not cover expenses during retirement.1^退休保险协会, 美国股票: "Aligning Retirement Expectations with Financial 皇冠体育官网", 2022

3. 对于那些寻求增加资产潜力而不承担风险的人来说,增长机会很有吸引力.

除了本金保护, any interest credited to a 固定指数年金 is also protected. As an insurance product, a 固定指数年金 is not directly invested in the market. Rather, interest is credited based on the performance of an external index (e.g., S&P 500®). 合同所有者通常可以灵活地选择各种与指数挂钩的信贷策略, many of which include a cap or participation rate. Once interest is credited, it can never be decreased due to market volatility.

4. 流动性是一个重要的好处.

Fixed index annuities offer a variety of 流动性 options. Many fixed index annuities allow the owner free withdrawals up to 10%.^每年可获得的免费提款金额因保险公司及年金产品而异. Withdrawals made before age 59 1/2 may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. of the annuity’s value each year without a penalty, during the accumulation phase. 许多年金还为合格的护理需求提供增加或完全获得合同价值的机会.^Waiver of surrender charge features vary by insurance company and annuity product; some features may require the owner to pay a fee.

5. Guaranteed income with a 固定指数年金 provides long-term income stability.

Following the accumulation period, income payments can begin. These payments can be taken as a lump-sum, fixed installments over a specified period (e.g. 20 years), or as guaranteed payments for the rest of the contract holder's life.

基本固定指数年金通常没有任何相关的死亡率和费用, 管理费或行政管理费, which are most often associated with variable annuities. Fixed index annuities are typically intended to be long-term investments, so there may be fees for withdrawing more than the allotted penalty-free amount.   

Many contract owners elect to add optional riders to their 固定指数年金, 比如终身收入福利附加条款. 终身收入福利附加条款通过允许所有者在年金积累阶段获得终身收入支付,提供了更高的支付灵活性. Some riders come with no fee, and others come with an annual fee.

6. 通过确保固定指数年金基金直接支付给指定的受益人来照顾亲人.

固定指数年金允许合同所有人有机会指定一名受益人,在所有人死亡时领取死亡抚恤金, instead of requiring funds be paid to the owner’s estate. This may help loved ones avoid the expense and time of probate. If a contract owner dies during the accumulation or distribution phase, the annuity guarantees direct payment to the named beneficiary. 取决于合同, these payments may be in the form of a lump-sum, 付款系列, 或者终身支付.  


Retirement is different for each individual - with unique financial plans and goals. Fixed index annuities focus on many of the 基本退休目标 while providing greater financial confidence. 作为IRI研究的一部分, 退休人员和准退休人员都表示,他们对固定指数年金非常感兴趣, when the benefits were properly explained.

通过设计, 固定指数年金旨在保护资金,并可能随着时间的推移而增长,以提供一系列可靠的收入支付. 一个产品与一个简单和透明的设计可以是退休收入策略的一个组成部分.

For those looking for stable retirement options, a 固定指数年金 with a simple and transparent design, can help deliver a steady stream of reliable income. 这在IRI的研究中得到了呼应,87%的近退休人员表示,他们可能会购买一种被称为固定指数年金的金融产品.1^退休保险协会, 美国股票: Aligning Retirement Expectations with Financial 皇冠体育官网, 2022



This content is for informational purposes only, 也不建议购买, 出售, 持有或展期任何资产. It does not take into account the specific financial circumstances, 投资目标, 风险承受能力, 或者任何特定的人的需要. 在提供此信息时,皇冠体育官网保险公司不作为劳工部定义的受托人. 美国股权不提供法律服务, 提供投资或税务建议,或就保险或投资产品提出建议. 请咨询合格的专业人士. 年金是为退休收入而设计的长期工具,并不适合所有人. 这些措施包括限制和收费,包括可能对提前提款的人进行投降处罚. Annuity distributions are subject to ordinary income taxes, and if taken before age 59-1/2 may incur an additional 10% federal penalty. 担保是基于美国股权的财务实力和索赔支付能力,不受任何银行的担保或FDIC的保险. 可用性可能因州而异. Possible interest credits for money allocated to an index-linked crediting strategy are based upon performance of the specific index; however, fixed index annuities are not an investment, 但是保险产品, and do not directly invest in the stock market or the index itself. Product and feature availability may vary by state. ”年代&p500®”是S&道琼斯指数有限责任公司(SPDJI), 并已获皇冠体育官网保险公司(“AEL”)许可使用. 标准 & 普尔®和S&P®是标准的注册商标 & 普尔金融服务有限责任公司(“S&P”); Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”). 这些商标已授权给SPDJI,并由AEL再授权用于某些目的. AEL’s products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, 或者它们各自的附属机构, 该等各方对投资该等产品的明智性不作任何陈述,对任何错误不承担任何责任, 遗漏, 或者S音的中断&P.