Top Retirement Bucket List Ideas

What are your retirement dreams? Have you started creating your retirement bucket list? 无论你多大年纪——开始做梦永远不会太早或太晚.

Top Retirement Bucket List Ideas

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每个人都有梦想,如果他们有更多的时间,金钱和自由,他们可以做什么. Sight-seeing, 登山或学法语只是一些退休人员遗愿清单上的几个例子. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

退休后,比起积累更多的物质财富,你更喜欢享受更愉快的经历. According to a report from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, 44%接受调查的退休人员表示,他们将退休后的时间用于追求业余爱好. 1^泛美退休研究中心“不稳定的存在:当今退休人员的退休财务状况”,2018年12月

有很多活动和爱好可以挑战你,扩展你的视野. 你可以乘坐热气球,发现这是一种有趣而平静的体验. 你可以花更多的时间在艺术上,参加当地社区剧院的试镜. 如果你是一个动物爱好者,你可以申请成为收容所有需要的宠物的养父母.

With more time on your hands in retirement, 有很多很棒的方法可以让你走出舒适区,享受新的体验.


Traveling tops many retirement bucket lists. Whether you’re interested in a cross-country RV trip, an Alaskan cruise or jetting off to Europe, 尽早计划和储蓄是实现这一流行愿望清单的关键.

According to AARP, 几乎一半的遗愿清单旅行属于国际旅行类别, but there are plenty of bucket list-worthy destinations in the U.S., such as national parks, big cities like New York or Chicago, or even a lifelong dream to visit Disney.  

Still, while getting away from it all is nice, AARP的2017年旅游趋势报告指出,与家人和朋友共度时光是婴儿潮一代旅行的首要动力. Want to travel on a budget? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • 在旺季和淡季(也称为平季)之间的时间旅行,以获得折扣并避开人群.
  • 去大城市旅游时调查一下公共交通,这样可以节省租车费用.
  • 如果你在国际旅行上挥霍无度,尽可能延长你的停留时间,寻找便宜的住宿选择,这样你的机票钱就能花得起. 2^U.S. News & World Report, "15 Ways to Travel in Retirement on a Fixed Budget," 2017 

Start a Business

你是否一直梦想着自己创业,做自己的老板? If so, add that to your retirement bucket list! First, research business ideas you can start with little or no capital. LinkedIn, the professional networking website, is a great source to spark your entrepreneurial spirit. Some examples of low-capital businesses include dog walking, real estate staging, consulting, landscaping or event planning. 3^领英,《皇冠体育官网》,2015年. Once you have your business idea, you will need to create a business plan. Some tips for writing a successful business plan include: 

  • Create a vision
  • Research the market thoroughly
  • Know your audience

Worried that starting a business later in life isn’t feasible? 许多企业家甚至都没有想过要创业,直到他们年纪大了,工作了好几年. 例如,麦当劳(McDonald)创始人雷•克罗克(Ray Kroc)一直卖纸杯和奶昔搅拌机,直到52岁. 玫琳凯化妆品的创始人玫琳凯·阿什在45岁之前一直在挨家挨户地推销书籍和家居用品. At 31, J.K. 罗琳曾是一位靠福利生活的单身母亲,现在她是广为人知的《皇冠体育官网》系列的作者. 劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德直到65岁才出版了她的第一本《皇冠体育官网》,这个名单还在继续. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.


志愿服务对灵魂有益,也是退休后回馈社区的好方法. Whether you’re passionate about animals, children with special needs, homelessness or want to pursue mission trips through your church, 在全国和世界各地都有无数的志愿者机会. Get involved by exploring charitable organizations, such as United Way, Make a Wish America, 你所在社区的和平队或其他当地志愿者或非营利组织.   

Enjoy Time with Grandchildren

花时间陪孙子孙女,看着他们长大,对你们俩来说都是一份特别的礼物. They will cherish memories they have with you for the rest of their lives. 安排好日程和学校假期,这样你就可以去看望他们,或者他们可以去看你. 甚至可以为一大群家庭成员计划一个特别的假期,或者只带孙子孙女. 一定要提前计划,以确保你已经为创造快乐的回忆做好了所有必要的准备. 

Learn Something New

Have you always wanted to learn something new but never had the time? The retirement bucket list ideas are endless when it comes to learning. 这一新的篇章是一个学习另一门语言的好机会, take a cooking class, play an instrument or become an expert on wine. Check out a local college for class ideas, 自己学习一门新语言,或者通过罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone)等皇冠体育官网,或者在当地的酿酒厂或餐馆参加讲习班,扩大你对生活中美好事物的认识.    

Tips to make your retirement bucket list a reality:

  • 确定你的生活方式——为你的整体生活方式设定期望可以帮助你制定预算,为退休后最重要的事情存钱.
  • 财务规划——有一个涵盖生活费用和医疗费用的计划,这对决定你的遗愿清单上有哪些可自由支配的资金是很重要的. 寻找能为你的储蓄提供主要保障的退休收入选择.
  • 为你的退休生活做一个预算——在预算之内生活,把你的遗愿清单计划考虑在内,可以帮助你确保退休后不会超支,也不会对财务状况感到压力.

Plan, Plan, Plan

Early planning is key for saving money and achieving your retirement goals和你的理财专家谈谈,从今天开始规划你的遗愿清单.



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