关于退休的未知,你应该知道什么 - Four Questions to Better Understand Retirement Income

无论你是计划了几十年,还是努力追赶了几年, 退休是人生中最不明确、最令人惊讶的阶段之一. We break down common retirement unknowns and some options you have to help tackle them.


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为你的黄金岁月做准备既令人兴奋又令人生畏. 然而, as you plan for your retirement there are several important factors that can make things easier to understand to create a clearer path for a successful retirement. 在制定退休计划时,请考虑以下四个主题.


对这个问题的简短回答是:视情况而定. 许多人即将退休, 或者为它做计划, are concerned about focusing on accumulating as many assets as possible so they can spend them once they retire. 然而, 这些累积的资产高度依赖于几个因素, 包括税, 市场下跌,甚至个人生活的变化, 喜欢离婚. 一旦开始退休, retirees might begin spending their assets - and how quickly they spend also affects how long assets last.

从这个角度来看, 65岁的人平均还能再活20年. 据估计,这些65岁的退休人员中有一半将活到93岁. 除非仔细计算资产,把这个考虑进去, 在这段时间内,积累的财富可能会减少.1^"安全退休研究所:退休参考书, 2018, http://www.limra的.com/en/research/research-abstracts-public/2018/the-retirement-income-reference-book---fourth-edition/"

A 固定指数年金 can help provide more stability when it comes to finances in retirement. A 固定指数年金 is a retirement product purchased from an insurance company in exchange for certain guarantees. 作为一种保险产品,这笔钱不投资于任何股票或指数. It’s protected from index declines while still having the opportunity to grow each year by receiving interest credits tied to an increase in an external market index. 年金的收入被推迟的时间越长, 延税的机会越多,增长潜力也就越大.

终身收入年金的结构,或 有终身入息保障的固定指数年金 选举是建立在长寿的基础上的. 这意味着它的设计是根据需要支付的, 允许配偶在死后继续领取抚恤金. +, it can clear a path for your legacy to loved ones and potentially eliminate probate time and cost.  


每次退休都不一样,你的退休门槛也不一样. Plans often change and so can your retirement plan, such as when you plan to leave the workforce. 根据最近的一项调查, 近一半的退休人员, 48%, 比原计划提前离开了工作岗位. A majority of earlier than expected departures from the workforce were due to health or disability issues as well as company changes – but others left their jobs because they could afford to retire earlier.2^"Employee Benefit Research Institute: 2020 Retirement Confidence Survey, April 2020"

虽然可能没有一个神奇的退休年龄或退休金额, reframing retirement assets as retirement income can clarify what your money can do for you when the time comes. 规划退休优先次序(i.e. must have’s, nice to have’s, want to have’s) and then identify the income option to fund them. 

A 固定指数年金 can provide a reliable income stream that can last a lifetime. 取决于年金或附加条款, there may be opportunities to carve out increased income flexibility to bridge income gaps for 生活中的意外开支.

Can My Retirement Portfolio Handle a Market Downturn and How Does Uncertainty Impact My Nest Egg Growth?

Fixed index annuities also provide potential upside when it comes to growth and protect against potential downturns due to market volatility. A 固定指数年金 product can help shield a portion of your retirement income. This guaranteed income stream provides payouts that are not tethered to the market, and also offers diversified index-linked crediting strategies for stability and growth potential over time. 

在市场下跌中损失的资金需要以指数级高的回报才能收回, 例如, 10%的损失需要11%的收益才能恢复, 25%的损失需要33%, 30%需要43%才能达到收支平衡, 等等.......3^These numbers represent the gain required to make up the loss from the prior year. 假设的例子:第一年的损失是100美元,000 -10% = $90,000; year 2 $90,000 + ($100,000/$90,000 = 1.11) +11%的涨幅= 10万美元 .  百分比的数学计算表明,随着损失越来越大, 恢复所需的回报以更快的速度增长, 25%的损失意味着33%的收益, 30%的损失需要43%的收益才能实现收支平衡.

a的主要保护 固定指数年金 建立一个退休基金,你可以以此为基础, 节省了弥补市场损失所需的时间和资金, 所以你的钱可以为你工作更长时间,更努力. All of this coupled with the growth potential and guaranteed lifetime income payout options helps ensure a reliable lifelong income generator.


Well over half of future retirees believe Social Security will cover their basic living expenses.4^《皇冠体育》, 安全退休研究所:退休参考书. http://www.limra的.com/en/research/research-abstracts-public/2018/the-retirement-income-reference-book---fourth-edition " 然而, Social Security covers less than half of a given worker's regular income before retirement.5^“社会保障局:退休福利指南,http://www.ssa.gov /好处/退休/学习.html” 在退休收入方面,效率是关键. That means diversifying a retirement portfolio can help build stability that doesn't solely rely on Social Security. Only 7% of pre-retirees have a three-legged retirement plan that includes income from these three sources: Social Security, 固定福利和个人资助收入.6^ National Institute on Retirement Security: Examining the Nest Egg: The 来源 of Retirement Income for Older Americans, 2020年1月, http://www.nirsonline.org/reports/examining-the-nest-egg/”

A 固定指数年金 can help turn assets into dependable income to supplement Social Security, 设定福利计划及/或设定供款帐户. +, 每年可免罚款提款(最高可达合同金额的10%), 如果医疗需求增加,支付方式也会增加.^年金分配需缴纳普通所得税, 如果在59岁半之前拍照,可能会额外缴纳10%的联邦罚款.

通过观察可能影响你退休生活的不同因素, you can make sure you are prepared for the retirement unknowns that might come your way. Consider working with a financial professional to clarify the questions you have and prepare for a reliable source of retirement income for your future. 



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年金 are long term vehicles designed for retirement income and are not suitable for everyone. They involve restrictions and charges, including possible surrender penalties for early withdrawals. 年金分配需缴纳普通所得税, 如果在59岁半之前拍照,可能会额外缴纳10%的联邦罚款. Guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims paying ability of 美国股票 and are not guaranteed by any bank or insured by the FDIC. 可用性可能因州而异. Possible interest credits for money allocated to an index-linked crediting strategy are based upon performance of the specific index; however, 固定指数年金不是一种投资, 但是保险产品, 不要直接投资股票市场或指数本身.