Successful Retirement Budgeting - How to Reach Goals and Avoid Income Gaps

Retirement is an individual process that involves outside factors like retirement age, 退休前的收入,甚至居住地. The more factors in the equation the more complicated it can get. 但这并不一定是压倒性的. 皇冠体育列出了一些你需要知道的最重要的事情,这样你就可以在退休计划中避免常见的问题和障碍.


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这似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但提前制定退休预算可以帮助你确定你可能需要什么,以及你的财务状况应该是什么样子. 如果你认为你是一个人,别担心. 最近的数据显示, 42%的美国人没有为退休做好准备, even though an average of 87% believe 退休计划 is important.1^AARP, Planning for a Successful Retirement, For People of All Ages, October, 2022帮助皇冠体育开始准备, let’s map out a retirement budget foundation utilizing three key questions to ask.


全国退休风险指数显示了一个令人担忧的趋势,表明“今天一半的家庭将没有足够的退休收入来维持他们退休前的生活水平。, even if they work to age 65 and annuitize all their financial assets, including the receipts from a reverse mortgage on their homes.”2^Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, The National Retirement Risk Index: Version 2.2023年5月1日

要想享受一个舒适而有可能成功的退休生活,首先要确定支出的优先顺序. A good exercise is to create four categories covering the spectrum of retirement expenses: 

  • Essential Expenses – Costs essential to day-to-day life (utilities, mortgage/rent, groceries)
  • Essential Lifestyle Needs – Budgeting essentials to the lifestyle you’ve earned (entertainment, 餐厅, 休闲活动) 
  • Nice-to-Have Ideas – Opportunities to splurge on high-end expenses for special occasions (world travel, 体育赛事, 家庭的里程碑)   
  • Wishes – Bucket list items for the fun of it (classic sports cars, vacation houses, trip to space) 

为以上各项编制一份费用分项清单. Estimate a monthly and annual dollar amount for the category. 


Where does my money in retirement come from and is Social Security enough to retire?

为了削减这些数字, 将你的收入来源分为两类,考虑到退休时间及其对预算的影响:

  • 非保证收入来源 -这包括计划中的401(k)或共同基金提款, 股票股利或增值, 债券或银行存款的利息收入, 或租金收入和其他投资.

一旦你评估了非保证收入来源, estimate a safe withdrawal percentage strategy for each source and total up monthly and annual income totals. 

  • 保证终身收入来源 - There are only three types of guaranteed lifetime time: Social Security, pensions and 年金.

For generations, pension plans and Social Security benefits were synonymous with retirement. 近几十年来, 固定缴款计划(401(k)s)已迅速取代固定收益计划(养老金),成为主导退休计划的工具. 与此同时, 老年人联盟估计,自2000年以来,社会保障福利已经失去了三分之一的购买力.3^老年人联盟, Social Security Benefits Lose 30% of Buying Power since 2000 No COLA Likely for 2021, 2020年5月  Those preparing for retirement are also seeing the reality of Social Security not being able to 提供足够的. Only 40% of near-retirees think Social Security and pensions will 提供足够的 income, 而65%的退休人员.4^退休保险协会, 美国股票, 调整退休预期与财务皇冠体育官网, 3月, 2022超过一半即将退休的人认为,他们将需要两倍以上的社会保障来维持生计.

Workers can start collecting early retirement Social Security benefits at 62, but the benefit amount will be less than if you wait until your full retirement age to receive benefits. The closer to age 70 you wait to before taking Social Security benefits, 你每月的福利金额就会越高.  

考虑到这一点, 考虑到“大多数50多岁和60出头的人在预测自己申请社会保障的年龄时是正确的,但他们将自己未来的福利收入低估了11%。.5%,即平均每年1896美元. 四分之一的老年人的收入减少了5100美元以上.”^美国国家经济研究局,Grant M. Seiter & Sita Slavov, Do Older Adults Accurately Forecast Their Social Security Benefits? 2023年3月

考虑到以上几点, 估计你每月和每年的收入流总额,从每一个保证终身收入来源,并单独列出它们. 

Identify Non-Guaranteed and Guaranteed Lifetime Income Gaps in Retirement

现在将你的基本开支和基本生活方式开支总额与你保证的终身收入来源数额进行比较. If you spot a shortfall between your expenses and your 保证终身收入, 你已经计算过你可能需要从你的非保证收入来源中拿出多少钱来解决这个退休缺口. 总体目标是让你有保障的收入来源覆盖你的基本开支,这样你的非保证收入流就可以分配到非基本的退休开支上。.

What should my 风险承受能力 be in retirement income planning?

最近的一项调查显示,大多数美国人都不知道他们可以使用哪些产品来支付退休费用,也不知道这些产品是如何运作的. Just over half of the respondents indicated a “strong level of knowledge about 401(k)s, 403(b)s和ira, 但只有12%的人认为他们非常熟悉年金,只有11%的人声称对固定收益计划有相当的了解.”^无偏见,退休信心调查,2023年5月


虽然有些产品的风险比其他产品更大, products defined by what’s called “protected accumulation” feature the potential for less risk. 保障积累产品包括现金, 银行提供的存款证明, and accumulation- focused 年金 that are offered by insurance companies. 这些金融产品的本金由银行或保险公司等实体担保,不随市场或利率每天波动.

考虑到其中一个关键问题 退休计划 是出于对通胀的担忧, 退休储蓄者可能会发现,他们所配置的金融产品无法承受市场波动的风险. 换句话说, they might have a “gap” between potentially risky investments and products that protect principal. Determining how you approach risk is an important step in determine what products to look at. Consult a financial professional to make sure you can potentially reach your retirement income goals.

除了皇冠体育的三个主要问题, 退休收入计划中有一个重要的问题经常被忽视,它涉及到你能活多久.


你活得越久,需要的退休收入就越多. SSA估计, 男人一旦到了60岁, they may live another 22 years and women could live 25 years longer.^社会保障局,精算生命表,2023年7月

你能做什么?? 相应的计划. Being aware can help in creating a plan that takes longevity into account. 这是一种需要社会保障的方法, 保证终身收入, like fixed index 年金 and other potential investments into account.


退休保险协会强调了对即将退休和退休人员的关注,这比其他任何问题都要突出——医疗保健和保持健康. 两个群体中都有大约70%的人表示,他们担心医疗成本的增加和长期护理的影响, 具体地说.4^退休保险协会, 美国股票, 调整退休预期与财务皇冠体育官网, 3月, 2022 当医疗保健不再由雇主赞助的计划或其他外部来源提供时,意外的健康事件可能会导致经济困难. 将医疗保健纳入退休收入计划是确保实现退休目标的重要组成部分. Consider using a retirement calculator to determine a baseline of what you need to save per month. 这是一个高度个性化的因素,是确保你达到退休目标的重要因素. Consider using a retirement calculator to determine a baseline of what you need to save per month. This is a highly individual factor that’s influenced by underlying health conditions, 慢性疾病, 药物需求和长期护理计划. 这似乎是显而易见的,但了解你的情况和优先考虑退休后的健康对你的退休收入计划很重要.

退休计划是一项多方面的工作,包括许多因素,这些因素是由外部因素和事先计划决定的. 计划会发展,你的方法也会发展. 退休预算需要是一个流动的过程,考虑到这篇博客中提到的许多事实和方面,但它肯定包括比这里提到的更多. 与财务专家合作,帮助你创建和/或修改最适合你的退休预算计划.



此内容仅供参考, 也不建议购买, 出售, 持有或展期任何资产. It does not take into account the specific financial circumstances, 投资目标, 风险承受能力, 或者任何特定的人的需要. 在提供此信息时,皇冠体育官网保险公司不作为劳工部定义的受托人. 美国股权不提供法律服务, investment or tax advice or make recommendations regarding insurance or investment products. 请咨询合格的专业人士. 年金 are long term vehicles designed for retirement income and are not suitable for everyone. They involve restrictions and charges, including possible surrender penalties for early withdrawals. Annuity distributions are subject to ordinary income taxes, and if taken before age 59-1/2 may incur an additional 10% federal penalty. 担保是基于美国股权的财务实力和索赔支付能力,不受任何银行的担保或FDIC的保险. 可用性可能因州而异. Possible interest credits for money allocated to an index-linked crediting strategy are based upon performance of the specific index; however, 固定指数年金不是一种投资, 但是保险产品, and do not directly invest in the stock market or the index itself.

根据现行税法, the Internal Revenue Code already provides tax deferral to qualified money, so there is no additional tax benefit obtained by funding a qualified contract, 比如IRA, with an annuity; consider the other benefits provided by an annuity, 比如终身收入和死亡抚恤金. 指数年金不是股票市场投资,也不直接参与任何股票或股权投资. Market indices may not include dividends paid on the underlying stocks, and therefore may not reflect the total return of the underlying stocks; neither an index nor any market-indexed annuity is comparable to a direct investment in the equity markets. 

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